Catalogue of type specimens of fungi and lichens deposited in the Herbarium of the University of Granada (Spain)

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Última versión publicado por Herbario de la Universidad de Granada el dic. 17, 2021 Herbario de la Universidad de Granada

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This dataset contains the specimen records from the catalogue of the nomenclature types of fungi and lichens in the Herbarium of the University of Granada, Spain. These herbarium specimens are included in the GDA and GDAC collections, acronyms from Index Herbariorum (Thiers 2014). A catalogue of types from the Herbarium of the University of Granada has not previously been compiled. As a result, a search of these collections to get digital images to preserve and publish them yielded a large number of previously unrecognized types. At this time, the type collection of fungi and lichens at the Herbarium of the University of Granada contains 146 type material of 72 nominal taxa, most from Agaricales and the genus Cortinarius, described from the western Mediterranean, mainly Spain, by the following authors: V.Antonin, J.Ballará, A.Bidaud, G.F.Bills, M.Bon, C.Cano, M.Casares, G.Chevassut, M.Contu, F.Esteve.Raventós, R.Galán, L.Guzmán-Dávalos, R.Henry, E.Horak, R.Mahiques, G.Malençon, P.Moënne-Loccoz, G.Moreno, A.Ortega, F.Palazón, V.N.Suárez.-Santiago, A.Vêzda, J.Vila, and M.Villareal. For each specimen, the locality indication, species name, observation date, collector, type status, related information, associated sequences, other catalogue numbers related to each type, and image URL are recorded. The dataset is associated with an image collection named “Colección de imágenes de los tipos nomenclaturales de hongos, líquenes, musgos y algas incluidos en el Herbario de la Universidad de Granada (GDA y GDAC)” (Vizoso and Quesada 2013) which is hosted and accessible at the GBIF.ES Hosting and Publishing Service “Biodiversity Image Portal of Spanish collections” and is also available at the Herbarium of University of Granada institutional web (Vizoso 2014a) ( That image collection contains 117 images of which 59 correspond to the nomenclature types of 52 taxa (50 fungi, 2 lichens), the rest of the images in this collection correspond to documents and specimens or microscopy photographs which are included in the herbarium specimens of fungi. These complement and document the process of the typification.


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Vizoso M T (2021): Catalogue of type specimens of fungi and lichens deposited in the Herbarium of the University of Granada (Spain). v2.10. Herbario de la Universidad de Granada. Dataset/Occurrence. doi:10.15468/2a7kqy


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Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: 7ac0504d-0230-4029-afbe-04657ae47c48.  Herbario de la Universidad de Granada publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por GBIF Spain.

Palabras clave

Occurrence; nomenclature; typematerial; herbarium colletion; image colletion; western Mediterranean; Fungi; Mycology; GDA; GDAC; Occurrence


M. Teresa Vizoso
  • Proveedor De Los Metadatos
  • Originador
  • Herbarium and research support technician
Herbarium of University of Granada
  • C/ Rector López Argüeta, 8
18071 Granada
  • +34 958 246329
Carmen Quesada
  • Curador
  • Punto De Contacto
  • Curator
Herbarium of University of Granada
  • C/ Rector López Argüeta, 8
18071 Granada
  • +34 958 241551
M.Teresa Vizoso
  • Autor
  • Herbarium and research support technician
Herbarium of University of Granada
  • C/ Rector López Argüeta, 8
18071 Granada
  • +34 958 246329
GDA Herbarium of University of Granada
  • Propietario
  • Service
University of Granada
  • C/ Rector López Argüeta, 8
18071 Granada
  • +34 958 246329

Cobertura geográfica

In general, the distribution of the taxa of this catalogue is the western Mediterranean region. Most of the taxa are from the Iberian Peninsula (121 types records from 53 taxa) as shown in Figure 3, smaller numbers from France (13 types from 12 taxa) and Italy (9 records from 4 taxa) and a single taxon from Morocco, and another one from Mexico. Outside this general geographic distribution, there is a single taxon from Czechoslovakia with 2 records. All these type specimens from outside of Spain were gifts or exchanges from the private herbaria of Dr Ortegas French and Italian colleagues (G.Chevassut, M.Bon, P.Möenne-Loccoz, and M.Contu). Additionally, type specimens from northern and eastern Spain come from collaboration between Dr Ortega and some researchers such as J. Vila and R. Mahiques from the Societat Catalana de Micologia and Societat Micologica Valenciana, respectively. Most of the records from Spain are from Andalusia (types of 31 taxa from 50 in Spain) and within this region the greatest portion corresponds to the provinces of Granada (19 taxa), Malaga (3), Seville (3), Cádiz (2), Cordoba (1), and Almeria (2), as shown in the Figure 3.

Coordenadas límite Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [33,4, -6,51], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [50,7, 15,45]

Cobertura taxonómica

The main taxonomic coverage of this dataset corresponds to Basidiomycota, which constitutes 79% of the taxa, followed by Glomeromycota (12.5%) and a minor record of Ascomycota (8.5%). Agaricales is the most represented order (64%) and, within this order, specimens of the genus Cortinarius dominate the collection (60%). Fungal diversity in the Mediterranean basin is high. Populations of taxa differing morphologically with respect to their northern vicariants are frequent. Consequently, many taxonomic proposals have been made in order to explain Mediterranean fungal variability, which is common in the case of the genus Cortinarius (Ortega et al. 2008). This is the result of both its overall diversity and the special interest in this genus of the late Dr Antonio Ortega, the main collector and researcher in the fungus collection. As shown in the Figure 1, Cortinarius is the genus with a greater number of nomenclatural types. Note: the terms used to complete the type status reference for this dataset are from the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN) (McNeill et al. 2012) and Hawksworth (2010) for the obsolete terms which are not included in the current Code. Index Fungorum has been used to verify the currently accepted names. Figure 2 shows the range of the different type status of the catalogue. The highest number of records are paratypes (51) followed by holotypes (25), isotypes (52), clastotypes (13 fragments from holotypes, one from isotype , and one from neotype), and a single neotype, epitype and topotype. Of the 72 taxa, 49 are accepted in their original position (marked by an asterisk* in the taxonomic ranks) and six had already been combined into other genera: Trichophaea boudieri Grelet to Paratrichophaea, Sarcodon mediterraneus A.Ortega & Contu to Beenakia, Rugosomyces pudicus Bon & Contu to Calocybe, Glomus custos C. Cano & Dalpé to Rhizophagus, Entrophospora nevadensis Palenz., N. Ferrol, Azcón-Aguilar & Oehl to Tricispora and Bacidia subtilis Vêzda to Fellhanera. Four proved to be a synonym of a previously described species (Cortinarius haasii var. quercus-ilicicola A.Ortega, Suár.-Sant. & J.D.Reyes of Cortinarius callochrous (Pers.) Gray; Cortinarius petroselineus var. conicopurpuratus Chevassut & Rob. Henry, Cortinarius petroselineus var. cedriphilus Chevassut & Rob. Henry, and Cortinarius petroselineus var. radicipes Chevassut & Rob. Henry of Cortinarius erythrinus (Fr.) Fr.), two have been combined into a supraspecific rank (Cortinarius olivaceodionysae A. Ortega, Vila & Fern.-Brime, Gymnopus dryophilus var. lanipes (Malençon & Bertault) A.Ortega, Antonín & Esteve-Rav.), and the rest (12) have not been accepted into the proposed infraspecific rank (variety and one form): Conocybe arrhenii var. squamosipes A.Ortega & Esteve-Rav., Cortinarius assiduus var. plesiocistus A.Ortega, Vila & Bidaud, Cortinarius caesiostramineus var. cadinanos-aguirrei Moënne-Locc. & A.Ortega, Cortinarius caerulescens var. praetermissus (Bergeron ex Reumaux) A.Ortega & Moënne-Locc., Cortinarius dionysae var. avellanus Rob. Henry ex Bidaud & Carteret, Cortinarius scobinaceus var. volvatus Torrejón, Cortinarius vernus var. nevadavernus Suár.-Sant. & A.Ortega, Entoloma griseocyaneum var. glyociosmus Esteve-Rav. & A.Ortega, Hydropus floccipes var. luteipes A.Ortega & M.Zea, Marasmiellus virgatocutis var. parvisporus Esteve-Rav. & A.Ortega, Baeospora myosura f. xeruloides A.Ortega & Esteve-Rav.

Reino Fungi
Filo Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, Glomeromycota
Orden Agaricales, Aphyllophorales, Dothideales, Glomerales, Lecanorales, Pezizales, Archaeosporales, Diversisporales
Género Bacidia, Baeospora, Bolbitius, Conocybe, Coprinus, Cortinarius, Entoloma, Glomus, Gymnopilus, Gymnopus, Hydropus, Kabatiella, Lecidea, Marasmiellus, Mycena, Naucoria, Rugosomyces, Sarcodon, Trichophaea, Acaulospora, Ambispora, Diversispora, Entrophospora, Septoglomus, Acarospora
Especie Bacidia subtilis Vêzda, *Bolbitius elegans E.Horak, G.Moreno, A.Ortega & Esteve-Rav., *Coprinus alcobae A.Ortega, *Cortinarius acutopholiotoides Palazón & Mahiques, *Cortinarius assiduus Mahiques, A.Ortega & Bidaud, *Cortinarius aureocistophilus Vila, Contu & Llimona, *Cortinarius ayanamii A.Ortega, Vila, Bidaud & Llimona, *Cortinarius benovairensis Mahiques, *Cortinarius bombycinus Mahiques & Burguete, *Cortinarius castaneoduracinus Chevassut & Rob.Henry, *Cortinarius castaneolens Chevassut & Rob.Henry, *Cortinarius cistohelvelloides Bon, *Cortinarius cistovelatus Vila, A.Ortega & Bidaud, *Cortinarius conico-obtusarum A.Ortega & Chevassut, *Cortinarius contui Rob.Henry & Contu, *Cortinarius crustulinus Malençon, *Cortinarius decipiens (Pers.) Fr., *Cortinarius diabolicoides Moënne-Locc. & Reumaux, *Cortinarius erythrofuscus Mahiques & A.Ortega, *Cortinarius inusitatus A.Ortega, Bidaud, Suár.-Sant. & Vila, *Cortinarius mahiquesii Vila, A.Ortega & Suár.-Sant., *Cortinarius murellensis Cors. Gut., Ballarà, Cadiñanos, Palazón & Mahiques, *Cortinarius ortovernus Ballará & Mahiques, *Cortinarius viscidoamarus A.Ortega & Suár.-Sant., *Cortinarius xanthosarx Vila, A.Ortega & Bidaud, *Cortinarius xerophilus Contu & Rob.Henry, Glomus custos C. Cano & Dalpé, *Gymnopilus arenophilus A. Ortega & Esteve Rav., *Gymnopilus maritimus Contu, Guzm.-Dáv., A.Ortega & Vizzini, *Gymnopus pubipes Antonín, A. Ortega & Esteve-Rav., *Kabatiella bupleuri Bills, *Lecidea circinarioides Casares & Hafellner, *Mycena dunicola M. Villarreal, Esteve-Rav., Barrasa & A.Ortega, *Naucoria decolorata Malençon ex R.Galán, G.Moreno & A.Ortega, Rugosomyces pudicus Bon & Contu, Sarcodon mediterraneus A.Ortega & Contu, *Cortinarius cistoglaucopus A.Ortega, Vila, J.C.Campos & Fdez.-Brime, *Cortinarius mediterraneensis A.Ortega & Vila, *Cortinarius palazonianus Vila, A. Ortega & Fdez.-Brime, *Acaulospora pustulata Palenz., Oehl, Azcón-Aguilar & G.A. Silva, *Acaulospora tortuosa Palenz., Oehl, Azcón-Aguilar & G.A. Silva, *Acaulospora viridis Palenz., Oehl, Azcón-Aguilar & G.A.Silva, *Ambispora granatensis Palenz., N. Ferrol & Oehl, *Diversispora clara Oehl, B. Estrada, G.A. Silva & Palenz., Entrophospora nevadensis Palenz., N. Ferrol, Azcón-Aguilar & Oehl, *Otospora bareae Palenz., N. Ferrol & Oehl, *Cortinarius amarocaerulescens Bidaud, Cortinarius urdaibaiensis Fernández Sas., Cortinarius gallurae D. Antonini, M. Antonini & Consiglio, *Cortinarius erythrocitriolens Mahiques & Ballarà, Trichophaea boudieri Grélet, *Acarospora brouardii B. de Lesd.
Variedad Conocybe arrhenii var. squamosipes A.Ortega & Esteve-Rav., Cortinarius assiduus var. plesiocistus A.Ortega, Vila & Bidaud, Cortinarius caerulescens var. praetermissus (Bergeron ex Reumaux) A.Ortega & Moënne-Locc., Cortinarius caesiostramineus var. cadinanos-aguirrei Moënne-Locc. & A.Ortega, *Cortinarius croceocaeruleus var. meridionalis Bidaud, A.Ortega & Mahiques, Cortinarius haasii var. quercus-ilicicola A. Ortega, Suár.-Sant. & J.D. Reyes, Cortinarius vernus var. nevadavernus Suár.-Sant. & A.Ortega, Entoloma griseocyaneum var. glyociosmus Esteve-Rav. & A.Ortega, Gymnopus dryophilus var. lanipes (Malençon & Bertault) A.Ortega, Antonín & Esteve-Rav., Hydropus floccipes var. luteipes A.Ortega & M.Zea, Marasmiellus virgatocutis var. parvisporus Esteve-Rav. & A.Ortega, *Trichophaea fuscoatra var. punctata Malençon, Cortinarius petroselineus var. radicipes Chevassut & Rob. Henry, Cortinarius petroselineus var. cedriphilus Chevassut & Rob. Henry, Cortinarius petroselineus var. conicopurpuratus Chevassut & Rob. Henry, Cortinarius dionysae var. avellanus Rob. Henry ex Bidaud & Carteret, Cortinarius scobinaceus var. volvatus Torrejón
Forma Baeospora myosura f. xeruloides A.Ortega & Esteve-Rav., Cortinarius dionysae f. olivaceus Rob. Henry ex Bidaud & Carteret

Cobertura temporal

Fecha Inicial / Fecha Final 1914-04-01 / 2011-05-03

Datos del proyecto

No hay descripción disponible

Título Towards a digital image collection of the Herbarium of the University of Granada
Fuentes de Financiación The Herbarium of the University of Granada is part of the research group called “The Herbarium of the University of Granada as a Source for Taxonomic, Environmental and Biodiversity Studies” (group code: 288RNM) which is one the Research and Technological Development groups from Regional Government of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucía), Spain. The funds were provided by the Technical Support Program, under the Scientific-Technological Infrastructure modality of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the University of Granada. The project was developed from February 2010 to July 2013.
Descripción del área de estudio The application of new technologies in the field of natural-history collections is enabling herbaria not only to manage their collections more effectively but also to provide access to a large volume of biodiversity information through computerization and the creation of a specimen database. After this step, databases can enrich their contents by digitizing images associated with high-priority specimens such as nomenclatural types. This represents a major advance in the preservation of sensitive materials. For example, the risk of damage involved in consulting and sending sensitive material is minimized. It is also vital in terms of enhancing information and reaching out to wider audiences at multiple levels. Since, at the database level, database records can have links to the associated image (Häuser et al. 2005). At a more general level, institutional, national (e.g. or global (e.g., Encyclopedia of Life) species catalogues can integrate this information with their own and provide it to multiple audiences. In this project, the GDA Herbarium has sought to respond mainly to the increasing demand for the use of the images in order to preserve sensitive materials. The herbarium started to generate digital images of three of its most sensitive collections: nomenclatural types, the historical collection of Amo y Mora (1852) (the oldest collection of this herbarium) and other digital images of sheets from 200 Andalusian singular taxa that illustrated the "Singular Flora from Andalusia" species portal, also developed by the herbarium. The techniques that allow the incorporation, operation, and management of new digital-image collections, as well as those which facilitate its accessibility via Internet have also been implemented.
Descripción del diseño The main objective was to ensure the preservation of sensitive materials of the University of Granada Herbarium by implementing high-quality curatorial standards as well as to generate, manage, and disseminate the associated data in digital formats. This was achieved by: • Creating and making available on Internet an image collection of singular taxa from Andalusia that meets the needs of researchers, managers, and the general public. • Obtaining a detailed report on the number, location, and treatment of nomenclatural types in the University of Granada Herbarium in order to perform a database cleaning process and to complete the curatorial management of these sensitive materials. • Compiling a collection of electronic publications (protologues) that support the study of nomenclatural types and improves accessibility and service that the University of Granada Herbarium offers to researchers. • Ensuring the preservation of the historic collection of Amo y Mora (1852) by fully digitizing it and publishing it online.

Personas asociadas al proyecto:

M.Teresa Vizoso
  • Autor

Métodos de muestreo

The fungus collection has been fully computerized and approximately 50% of the lichen collection has also been. Therefore, developing a complete catalogue involved three kinds of type specimens, namely those that: 1) already have a record in the databases; 2) specimens not recorded as a type in the databases but have been identified as such in the collection; and 3) type specimens not recorded in the databases nor identified or treated as such in the collection. For the first kind, quality control was carried out (see next section). For the second kind of type specimens, the literature from the two main researchers and collectors was reviewed. This led to the identification of type specimens that were not included in the databases and were either identified as such in the collection (case 2) or had not been identified as such (case 3). The review of the literature of these authors provided new data to both the collection and the associated databases. All type specimens are now registered in the GDA-GDAC Fungus and Lichen collections and in some cases another number from other herbaria has been included in RelatedInformation or OtherCatalogNumber fields from DarwinCore standard. This information was provided by gifts and duplicate materials from AH, F, CFB herbaria (Index Herbariorum) and personal herbaria of M. Bon (M.B.) and G. Chevassut (Chev.).

Área de Estudio This study includes fungus and a lichen collections. The fungus collection of the herbarium comes from two herbaria, one of which originated at the Pharmacy Faculty (GDA) and the other at the Science Faculty (GDAC). In the year 2000, the two herbaria were joined. The Herbarium of the University of Granada (GDA) maintains both sections and, although both collections retain their individuality, new materials are added only to the GDA collection. Currently, the overall fungus collection comprises 7286 specimens derived mostly from research conducted by Dr Antonio Ortega. Some 97% of the specimens come from Spain, followed by just under 2% that correspond mostly to exsiccate Uredineen Sydow (1874-1889) of a collection of Uredinales, Ustilaginales, and Erysiphales, most from Germany and a small portion from other countries such as Hungary, Austria, and Sweden. There is also a small number from Portugal and other Mediterranean countries such as France and Italy as well as minor samples from northern Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. The lichen collection has 3300 specimens and comes only from the herbarium of the Pharmacy Faculty (GDA). This collection started in 1980 with materials that came out of the research of Dr Manuel Casares and is subsequently enriched with exsiccate exchange with other institutions. Of this collection, 93% comes from Spain, 75% of which were collected in the south-eastern provinces of Granada, Alicante, Almeria, and Jaen. Other well-represented areas include the south-western provinces of Huelva and Cadiz, central provinces of Madrid, Salamanca, and the north-eastern provinces of Tarragona and Zaragoza. We also found a small representation from Morocco (3.3%) and the rest from Austria, Brazil, Georgia, and the Czech Republic.
Control de Calidad The consistency of data on type-specimen records was verified by comparisons with the information in original publications of the corresponding new species. When some information items such as geographical coordinates, altitude, and identifiers of genetic sequence associated data had not been included in the herbarium database and these data were available in the protologue, they were included in this dataset. The consigned data refer to the original identification for which the nomenclatural type from the taxon name was given. When the nomenclatural type was not recorded as such in the herbarium but was found after searching and reviewing the relevant literature, a revision tag was included in the specimen record. This tag specifies the type status, name, and site where it was validly published and the author who documented it. These data have also been computerized. DARWIN TEST (Ortega-Maqueda and Pando 2008) is the software application used to validate and check records from tables in a DARWINCORE format before exporting database to a Darwin Core Archive file. DARWIN TEST has been used to check scientific names against the Scientific_Names table from Species 2000, to convert coordinates from UTM to decimal degrees which are used in the Darwincore format and to detect anomalous ASCII characters. Once checked and corrected, these records were exported as a Darwin Core Archive file which was uploaded to the IPT (Integrated Publishing Toolkit) hosted by GBIF.ES ( The metadata from the dataset have been completed directly in the IPT.

Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:

  1. First of all, a query was made to each of the two herbarium databases on nomenclatural types of the fungus and lichen collections. The first database (fungi) is managed with the BIOMEN software application (Delgado et al. 2005), and the second with HERBAR (Pando et al. 1994-2010). Thus the results of the queries were compared with the label information for the type specimens in the Herbarium collection. Three kinds of errors were detected and corrected: first, typographical errors; second, records that described as types samples that were not really types; and third, omissions in the database, i.e. types that should have been recorded as such. Publications on the description of new species made by Dr Ortega and Dr Casares, the main collectors and researchers of these collections, were reviewed. After this review, 5 holotypes, 6 isotypes, 1 neotype, 1 epitype, 9 clastotype, and 35 paratypes that were not recorded as types nor had the appropriate physical curation treatment were detected. After the database update with the inclusion of new types obtained from reviewed publications and data cleaning, the collection corresponding to this dataset was obtained by consulting the database again. Data resulting from this query were manually migrated to DarwinCore format. Then, the resulting DarwinCore records were completed by adding the ImageURL and TypeStatus fields, after which it was validated with the DarwinTest tool (Ortega-Maqueda and Pando 2008). Finally the DarwinCore Archive was generated to incorporate the metadata in this file and published it on the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT). In an effort to fill out the ImageURL field in the step described above, the following steps were taken: after obtaining the catalogue of types of fungi and lichens, all specimens were checked for appropriate physical curation treatment (placed in a type cover, by convention red, to indicate the presence of type specimens and to ensure better protection). Then, digital images of the nomenclatural type and documents included with each specimen were prepared. A Hewlett Packard Scan Jet 5300C model with a resolution of 600 dpi for specimens and 150 dpi for documents was used. After the metadata for each image was included, the corresponding tiled/pyramid TIFF was generated and uploaded at the GBIF.ES “Biodiversity Image Portal of Spanish collections” Hosting and Publishing Service. This collection is available both at “Colección de imágenes de los tipos nomenclaturales de hongos, líquenes, musgos y algas incluidos en el Herbario de la Universidad de Granada (GDA y GDAC)” ( and also at the Herbarium of University of Granada institutional web (

Datos de la colección

Nombre de la Colección Fungi
Identificador de la Colección 9b8b659f-8470-4445-926c-8b3f2bc32415
Identificador de la Colección Parental GDA-GDAC
Métodos de preservación de los ejemplares Secado
Unidades curatoriales Conteo 146 +/- 0 specimens ,  Conteo 72 +/- 0 species ,  Conteo 26 +/- 0 genera ,  Conteo 9 +/- 0 order

Referencias bibliográficas

  1. Ballará J, et al. (2009) Cortinarius ibero-insulares 2. Fungi Non Delineati, Raro vel Haud Perspecte et Explorate Descripti aut Definite Picti, pars 48-49. Candusso, Alassio, Italia, 1-248.
  2. Ballará J, Mahiques R (2009) Cortinarius ortovernus, nouvelle espèce printanière de la section Saturnini. Journal des Journées européennes du Cortinaire 11: 55-61.
  3. Bidaud A, Moënne-Loccoz P, Reumaux P (1992) Atlas de Cortinares, Pars IV. Ed. Fédération Mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie, Annecy, France.
  4. Bills GF, Menéndez VG, Platas G (2012) Kabatiella bupleuri sp. nov. (Dothideales), a pleomorphic epiphyte and endophyte of the Mediterranean plant Bupleurum gibraltarium (Apiaceae). Mycologia 104: 962-973. doi: 10.3852/12-003
  5. Bon M (1992) Agaricomycetes mediterraneens ou meridionaux. Documents Mycologiques 22: 51-62.
  6. Cano C, Bago A, Dalpé Y (2009) Glomus custos sp. nov., isolated from a naturally heavy metal-polluted environment in southern Spain. Mycotaxon 109: 499-512.
  7. Casares-Porcel M, Hafellner J, Gutierrez-Carretero L (1996) Species of the genus Lecidea (Lecanorales) on gypsum in Spain. Lichenologist 28: 37-47.
  8. Chevassut G, Henry R (1982) Cortinaires nouveaux ou rares de la region Languedoc Cevennes. Documents Mycologiques 12: 34-65.
  9. Contu M, Bon M (2000) Une nouvelle espèce de Rugosomyces «rougissant». Documents Mycologiques 29: 35-36.
  10. Esteve-Raventós F, Ortega A (2003) Dos nuevos Tricholomatales ibéricos: Baeospora myosura fo. xeruloides y Marasmiellus virgatocutis var. parvisporus. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid 27: 63-66.
  11. Esteve-Raventós F, Villareal M, Barrasa JM, Ortega A (2001) Mycena dunicola, a striking new species from the Iberian Peninsula. Mycotaxon 80: 307-313.
  12. Esteve-Raventós F, Ortega A (1999) Two news agarics found in Andalucia (Peninsular Spain). Mycotaxon 71: 95-103.
  13. Galán R, Ortega A, Moreno G (1983) Sobre Naucoria decolorata G. Malençon (Agaricales). Revista de biologia, Lisboa 12: 61-64.
  14. Gutiérrez C, Ballarà J, Cadiñanos JA, Palazón F, Mahiques R (2005) Cortinarius murellensis, a new Cortinarius subgenus Plegmacium, collected in the course of XXIII J.E.C. Morella-2005. Butlletí Societat Micologia Valenciana 10: 159-160.
  15. Guzmán-Dávalos L, Ortega A, Contu M, Vizzini A, Rodríguez A, Villalobos-Arámbula AR, Santerre A (2009) Gymnopilus maritimus (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) a new species from coastal psammophilous plant communities of northern Sardinia, Italy, and notes on G. arenophilus. Mycological Progress 8: 195-205. doi: 10.1007/s11557-009-0591-7
  16. Henry R, Contu M (1986) Description d´une nouvelle espece xero-thermophile: Cortinarius xerophilus sp. nov. Documents Mycologiques 16: 63-65.
  17. Horak E, Moreno G, Ortega A, Esteve-Raventós F (2002) Bolbitius elegans, a striking new species from southern Spain. Persoonia 17: 615-623.
  18. Mahiques R (2004) Cortinarius benovairensis, nou cortinari de carrascars mediterranis, de la secció obtusi Melot. Butlletí Societat Micologia Valenciana 9: 129-132.
  19. Mahiques R, Ortega A (2002) Cortinarius erythrofuscus (subgenus Telamonia, section Firmiores), a new species from Spain. Persoonia 17: 657-660.
  20. Mahiques R, Burguete A (2001) Cortinarius bombycinus, sp. nov., a new species of subgenus Telamonia, section Sericeocybe, developped under Cistus ssp. in Quercus ilex forest. Butlletí Societat Micologia Valenciana 6: 245-248.
  21. Mahiques R, Ortega A, Bidaud A (2001) Cortinarius assiduus (Telamonia, Firmiores), nouvelle espèce de la zone méditerranéenne de la Péninsule Ibérique. Bulletin Trimestriel de la Fédération Mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie 162: 41-47.
  22. Malençon G, Llimona X (1980) Champignons de la Péninsule Ibérique VI. Est et sud-est. Anales de Biología, Universidad de Murcia 34: 47-135.
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  24. Moënne-Loccoz P, Reumaux P (1990) Atlas des Cortinaires, Pars II. Ed. Fédération Mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie, Annecy, France.
  25. Ortega A, Suárez-Santiago VN, Reyes JD (2008) Morphological and ITS identification of Cortinarius species (section Calochroi) collected in Mediterranean Quercus woodlands. Fungal Diversity 29: 73-88.
  26. Ortega A, Suárez-Santiago VN, Vila J (2009) Two new species of Cortinarius collected under Quercus rotundifolia in the Mediterranean area of southern Spain. Fungal Diversity 36: 89-99.
  27. Ortega A, Vila J, Bidaud A, Mahiques R, Contu M (2007) Notes on four mediterranean Cortinarius fruiting in sclerophilous and heliophilous plant ecosystems. Mycotaxon 101: 137-147.
  28. Ortega A, Esteve-Raventós F (2005) A new species of Gymnopilus (Cortinariaceae) from sandy soils in Pinus forests. Persoonia 18: 505-510.
  29. Ortega A, Antonín V, Esteve-Raventós F (2003) Three interesting thermophilic taxa of Gymnopus (Basidiomycetes, Tricholomataceae): G. pubipes sp. nov., G. pubipes var. pallidopileatus var. nov. and G. dryophilus var. lanipes comb. nov. Mycotaxon 85: 67-75.
  30. Ortega A, Esteve-Raventós F (2003) New and interesting species of Coprinus (Coprinaceae, Agaricales) from Andalusia (Southern Spain). Nova Hedwigia 76: 465-475. doi: 10.1127/0029-5035/2003/0076-0465
  31. Ortega A, Moënne-Loccoz P (2003) Cortinarius praetermissus Bergeron ex Reumaux (section caerulescentes (R. Henry) ex Moënne-Loccoz et Remaux). Documents Mycologiques 32: 37-41.
  32. Ortega A, Mahiques R (2002) Study of some species of the genus Cortinarius, section caerulescens (R. Henry) ex Moënne-Loccoz & Reumaux in peninsular Spain. Mycotaxon 83: 435-445.
  33. Ortega A, Vila J, Bidaud A, Llimona X (2000) Cortinarius ayanamii A.Ortega, Vila, Bidaud & Llimona. Cortinaire cistophile nouveau, trouvé en Catalogne. Bulletin Trimestriel de la Fédération Mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie 157: 23-26.
  34. Ortega A, Chevassut G (1999) Cortinarius conico-obtusarum (Telamonia), a new species from southern Spain. Documents Mycologiques 29: 79-81.
  35. Ortega A, Esteve-Raventós F (1998) Contribution to the study of the mycoflora of Andalusia (Spain) XIII. Agaricales VI. Taxonomic notes on two interesting Agarics from the Iberian Peninsula. Nova Hedwigia 67: 107-113.
  36. Ortega A, Bidaud A, Mahiques R (1997) Contribución al estudio del género Cortinarius en España peninsular. II Parte. Cryptogamie Mycologie 18: 227-231.
  37. Ortega A, Contu M (1991) Una nuova specie di Sarcodon (Aphyllophorales, Telephoraceae) dalle comunita arenicole mediterranee. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid 15: 149-152.
  38. Ortega A, Zea M (1991) Hydropus floccipes var. luteipes Ortega & Zea var. nov., en España meridional. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid 15: 189-191.
  39. Palazón F, Mahiques R (2007) Cortinarius acutopholiotoides, sp. nov., nuevo cortinario de la Sección Hydrocybe, localizado bajo Quercus en Zamora, España. Journal des Journées européennes du Cortinaire 9: 76-83.
  40. Suárez-Santiago VN, Ortega A, Peintner U, López-Flores I (2009) Study on Cortinarius subgenus Telamonia section Hydrocybe in Europe, with especial emphasis on Mediterranean taxa. Mycological Research 113: 1070-1090.
  41. Vêzda A (1961) Lichenes novi vel rariores Sudetorum occidentalium. Preslia 33: 365-368.
  42. Vila J, Ortega A, Suárez-Santiago VN, Llimona X (2008) Cortinarius mahiquesii, a new subhypogeous species from Catalonia (Iberian Peninsula). Persoonia 21: 153-157.
  43. Vila J, Ortega A, Bidaud A (2007) Deux cortinaires remarquables de la Péninsule Ibérique. Bulleti Société mycologique de France 123: 221-232.
  44. Vila J, Llimona X (2006) Novesdades sobre el component fúngic de les comunitats de Cistus de Catalunya. II. Revista Catalana de Micología 28: 167-207.
  45. Delgado M, Fajardo W, Gibaja E, Pérez-Pérez R (2005) BioMen: an information system to herbarium. Expert Systems with Applications 28: 507-518.
  46. Hawksworth DL (2010) Terms Used in Bionomenclature. The naming of organisms (and plant communities). Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Copenhagen.
  47. Index Fungorum (2014) The global database of fungal names.
  48. McNeill J, Barrie FR, Buck WR, Demoulin V, Greuter W, Hawksworth DL, Herendeen PS, Knapp S, Marhold K, Prado J, Prud´Homme Van Reine WF, Smith GF, Wiersema JH, Turland NJ (2012) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. Koeltz Scientific Books.
  49. Ortega-Maqueda I, Pando F (2008) DARWIN_TEST: Una aplicación para la validación y el chequeo de los datos en formato Darwin Core 1.2 or Darwin Core 1.4, (2014-01-14). Unidad de Coordinación de GBIF ES, CSIC. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, España.
  50. Pando F, et al. (1994–2010) HERBAR (3.5): A database application for herbarium management Coordination Unit of GBIF.ES, CSIC. Ministry of Science and Innovation, Madrid, Spain.
  51. Thiers B (2014) (continuously updated) Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff.
  52. Häuser CL, Steiner A, Holstein J, Scoble MJ (2005) Digital imaging of biological type specimens: A manual of best practice. Results from a study of the European Network for Biodiversity Information. European Network for Biodiversity Information, Stuttgart, 1-309.
  53. Vizoso MT (2014a) Tipos nomenclaturales de hongos. Herbario GDA. 2010 Universidad de Granada.
  54. Vizoso MT (2014b) Tipos nomenclaturales de líquenes. Herbario GDA. 2010 Universidad de Granada.
  55. Vizoso MT, Quesada C (2013) Colección de imágenes “Tipos Nomenclaturales de las Colecciones de Hongos, Líquenes, Musgos y Algas”. Herbario de la Universidad de Granada. In Biodiversity Images Portal of Spanihs Collections.
  56. Fernández-Brime S, Vila J, Ortega A (2014)Some new and interesting taxa of Cortinarius subgenus Phlegmacium from the European Mediterranean Basin. Mycologia, 106(3): 491-504.
  57. Estrada B, Palenzuela J, Barea J, Manuel Ruiz-Lozano J, Alves da Silva G, Oehl F (2012) Diversispora clara (Glomeromycetes)—a new species from saline dunes in the Natural Park Cabo de Gata (Spain). Mycotaxon, 118(1): 73-81.
  58. Palenzuela J, Azcón-Aguilar C, Barea J, Alves da Silva G, Oehl F. (2013) Acaulospora pustulata and Acaulospora tortuosa, two new species in the Glomeromycota from Sierra Nevada National Park (southern Spain). Nova Hedwigia 97(3-4):305-19.
  59. Palenzuela J, Azcón-Aguilar C, Barea J, da Silva GA, Oehl F. (2014) Acaulospora viridis, a new species in the Glomeromycetes from two mountain ranges in Andalucía (Spain). Nova Hedwigia 99(1-2):71-82.
  60. Palenzuela J, Azcón-Aguilar C, Barea J, da Silva GA, Oehl F. (2013) Septoglomus altomontanum, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus from mountainous and alpine areas in Andalucia (southern Spain). IMA Fungus 4(2):243.
  61. Palenzuela J, Barea JM, Ferrol N, Azcón-Aguilar C, Oehl F. (2010) Entrophospora nevadensis, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus from Sierra Nevada National Park (southeastern Spain). Mycologia 102(3):624-32.
  62. Palenzuela J, Barea JM, Ferrol N, Oehl F. (2011) Ambispora granatensis, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, associated with Asparagus officinalis in Andalucia (Spain). Mycologia 103(2):333-40.
  63. Palenzuela J, Ferrol N, Boller T, Azcon-Aguilar C, Oehl F. (2008) Otospora bareai, a new fungal species in the Glomeromycetes from a dolomitic shrub land in Sierra de Baza National Park (Granada, Spain). Mycologia 100(2):296-305.
  64. Bidaud A, Moënne-Loccoz P, Reumaux P, Carteret (2009) Atlas des Cortinaires (Meyzieu) Pars XVIII. Ed. Fédération Mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie, Annecy, France. 18(1, 2): 1376.
  65. Chevassut G, & Henry R (1982) Cortinaires nouveaux ou rares de la region Languedoc Cevennes (2ème note). Docums Mycol. 12(47): 1-86.
  66. Fernández Sasía R (2003) Propuesta de dos nuevas especies pertenecientes al género Cortinarius (Pers.) S.F. Gray descritas en el norte peninsular. Butlletí Societat Micològica Valenciana, 8: 89-102.
  67. Torrejón M (2009) A contribution to the study of fungi associated with Cistus spp … II. Mycol. Balcanica 6(3): 111-122.
  68. Grélet L J (1917) Un discomycète nouveau, le Trichophaea boudieri sp. nov. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr, 33: 94-96.
  69. Bouly de Lesdain M.(1922) Lichens du Mexique (Etats de Puebla et Michoacán). Recueillis par le Frère G. Arsène Brouard. 1er Suppl. Covington, Lousiana. 23 pp.

Metadatos adicionales

We wish to express our appreciation to Dr A. Ortega (1954-2014) and to Dr M. Casares (Botany Department researchers at the University of Granada) by the assistance provided to access publications of the species described by them and for their help in the interpretation of some type specimens. We also thank Katia Cezón her help in validating and publishing this resource.


The Herbarium of the University of Granada combines two general collections: GDA and GDAC (Thiers 2014). The GDA used to be the herbarium of the Pharmacy Faculty, which was created in 1852. In 1970, GDAC was created in the Science Faculty. In 2000, both herbaria were moved to the same place, forming the current Herbarium of the University of Granada. The GDAC collection was closed in 2000 with a total of 45,000 records. New materials are continuously added to the collection and registered with the GDA acronym. Currently, the GDA Herbarium has become an essential reference for studies of the flora of southeastern Spain. Both collections, the GDA and GDAC, include specimens of vascular plants and cryptogams. Vascular plants amount to 87% of the whole collection (including a 3% of pteridophytes) and cryptogams 13% (9% in the GDAC and 4% in the GDA). Over 50% of all vascular-plant specimens are in the GDA collection, which continues to grow, and the rest belongs to the GDAC. Conversely, over 69% of all cryptogams come from the GDAC. Within this group, the fungus (51%), lichen (25%, completely within the GDA) and moss (18%) collections have special significance. The remaining specimens correspond to algae and liverworts. Geographically, the country with the most specimens is Spain (94%), followed by Morocco (3.5%) and Portugal (1.5%). Within Spain, the largest portion is from Andalusia (82%) which in turn includes samples from Granada (68%), Almería (11%), Jaén (7%), Málaga (6%), and other Andalusian provinces, confirming the value of our Herbarium as a reference for studying the flora from eastern Andalusia. Since the unification of the GDA and GDAC collections, many tasks have been accomplished. These include a complete review of all materials, recovery and incorporation of unregistered materials, updating curatorial methods and, even more important, the computerization of the entire collection. More recently, the Herbarium of the University of Granada has developed several projects to digitalize images of high-priority specimens in order to preserve them and make them available on Internet. As a result of the reviewing process, many types that had not previously been compiled were detected. In addition, the catalogues of type specimens of different groups of the Herbarium of the University of Granada have been compiled, published, and made accessible on Internet through the “Biodiversity Image Portal of Spanish collections” at the GBIF.ES Hosting and Publishing Service and at the Herbarium of the University of Granada institutional web. The catalogue of type specimens of fungi and lichens has been one of the first published on the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT). This dataset is the most important part of the image collection “Colección de imágenes de los tipos nomenclaturales de hongos, líquenes, musgos y algas incluidos en el Herbario de la Universidad de Granada (GDA y GDAC)” (Vizoso and Quesada 2013) published in GBIF.ES and “Tipos nomenclaturales de hongos” (Vizoso 2014a) and “Tipos nomenclaturales de líquenes” (Vizoso 2014b) available on the Herbarium of University of Granada institutional web site.

Descripción de mantenimiento The frequency of maintenance of this resource is timely, whenever new additions occur to the Catalogue of type specimens of fungi.
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