Benthic foraminifera from the Ría de Vigo and the adjacent continental shelf

Evento de muestreo
Última versión publicado por Universidade de Vigo el jun. 19, 2024 Universidade de Vigo
Fecha de publicación:
19 de junio de 2024
Publicado por:
Universidade de Vigo
CC-BY 4.0

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Database of benthic foraminiferal species abundances from surface sediments of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian margin) and the adjacent continental shelf. This collection of benthic foraminiferal species covers a wide range of environmental conditions within the Ría, from the shallowest assemblages influenced by estuarine processes in the inner Ría to the deepest and marine influenced assemblages in the outer Ría and continental shelf.


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Los usuarios deben citar este trabajo de la siguiente manera:

Diz P, Alejo I, Pimentel F (2024). Benthic foraminifera from the Ría de Vigo and the adjacent continental shelf. Version 1.0. Universidade de Vigo. Samplingevent dataset.


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Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: 13608638-5c18-4b1d-aa45-6d6c8f1f49d2.  Universidade de Vigo publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por GBIF Spain.

Palabras clave

benthic foraminifera; Ria de Vigo; surface sediments; NW Spain; Galicia; continental shelf; Rose-Bengal stained; Samplingevent; Occurrence; Observation


Paula Diz
  • Proveedor De Los Metadatos
  • Originador
  • Punto De Contacto
  • Profesora Titular de Universidad
Universidade de Vigo
  • Centro de Investigación Mariña, Campus Lagoas-Marcosende
36310 Vigo
Irene Alejo
  • Originador
  • Profesora Titular de Universidad
Universidade de Vigo
  • Centro de Investigación Mariña, Campus Lagoas-Marcosende
36310 Vigo
Francisco Pimentel
  • Originador
  • Responsable de Operaciones y Servicios Portuarios
Autoridad Portuaria de Vigo
  • Praza da Estrela 1
36201 Vigo
Guillermo Francés
  • Investigador Principal
  • Profesor Titular de Universidad
Universidade de Vigo
  • Centro de Investigación Mariña, Campus Lagoas-Marcosende
36310 Vigo

Cobertura geográfica

Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian margin) and the adjacent continental shelf.

Coordenadas límite Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [41,294, -10,283], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [43,037, -8,503]

Cobertura taxonómica


Reino Chromista
Filo Foraminifera
Class Monothalamea, Globothalamea, Tubothalamea, Nodosariata
Orden Robertinida, Rotaliida, Vaginulinida, Polymorphinida, Nodosariida, Spirillinida, Textulariida, Astrorhizida, Miliolida, Lituolida
Familia Reophacidae, Rosalinidae, Cornuspiridae, Mississippinidae, Vaginulinidae, Melonidae, Planulinidae, Astrononionidae, Buliminidae, Lacustrinellidae, Gavelinellidae, Bolivinitidae, Stainforthiidae, Elphidiidae, Planorbulinidae, Buliminellidae, Robertinidae, Cibicididae, Haynesinidae, Chilostomellidae, Virgulinellidae, Ophthalmidiidae, Glabratellidae, Textulariidae, Asterigerinatidae, Globobuliminidae, Ellipsolagenidae, Nouriidae, Eponididae, Remaneicidae, Lagenidae, Patellinidae, Haplophragmoididae, Pseudoparrellidae, Ceratobuliminidae, Prolixoplectidae, Ammoniidae, Siphogenerinoididae, Nodosariidae, Miliolidae, Discorbinellidae, Trochamminidae, Rotaliellidae, Polymorphinidae, Cancrisidae, Spiroplectamminidae, Ammosphaeroidinidae, Spiroloculinidae, Ammodiscidae, Eggerellidae, Sphaeroidinidae, Uvigerinidae, Saccamminidae, Spirillinidae, Acervulinidae, Cassidulinidae, Rhabdamminidae, Pseudobolivinidae, Hauerinidae, Siphoninidae, Cribrolinoididae, Discorbidae, Nubeculariidae, Alabaminidae, Epistominidae, Nonionidae, Discamminidae, Annulopatellinidae

Cobertura temporal

Fecha Inicial / Fecha Final 1989-07-01 / 1998-09-26

Datos del proyecto

No hay descripción disponible

Título Controles ambientales y cambios en los medios de sedimentación de la plataforma continental y las rías bajas durante el cuaternario
Identificador REN 2000-1102 MAR
Fuentes de Financiación Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología CICyT

Métodos de muestreo

Sampling was carried out in 1989 (Baiona bay, 8 stations), 1991/1994 (shelf, 17 stations) and 1998 (Ría de Vigo, 27 stations). Shelf and Baiona bay samples were collected using a Shipek drag and the first 0-1 or 0-2 cm of the sediment was selected for foraminiferal analysis. Samples from the Ria de Vigo were collected using a box corer during two contrasting environmental conditions (upwelling and downwelling). Each box core was sectioned into 1 cm thick slices of approximately 50cc, down to 9 cm sediment depth. The examined sediment thickness varied between stations. In the cases of the shelf and Ria de Vigo, samples were Rose-Bengal stained, which allowed to distinguish between considered living (stained) foraminifera and dead (unstained) foraminifera.

Área de Estudio The Ría de Vigo is an elongate, funnel-shaped embayment located in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula. It is connected to the open ocean through a northern channel that is 2.5 km wide with a maximum depth of 25 m and a southern channel that is 5 km wide with a maximum depth of 67 m. The shallowest and the innermost part of the ría behaves as an estuary dominated by tides. The subaqueous sediments are composed of silt and clay with small amounts of sand and minor amounts of gravel. The rest of the Ría de Vigo is under the oceanic influence. Around the central ría axis, in the deepest areas, surface sediments consist mainly of organic-rich mud, whereas near the ría margins and in the outermost parts, sand and gravel occur. The ría is under the influence of shelf winds which modify the typical two-layer residual circulation pattern characteristic of partially mixed estuaries. Upwelling-favourable northerly winds that predominate from March–April to September–October enlarge the positive residual circulation and increase primary production in the rias. During the rest of the year downwelling favourable southerly winds prevail and the primary production is significantly lower. Sediment samples for the study of benthic foraminifera have been collected along the central axis and northern margins of the Ría. In the outermost part, samples include coarse-grained sediments from the northern and southern channels and a few stations in Baiona Bay. The continental shelf samples extend from the mouth of the Ría to the continental shelf at the mouth of the Miño estuary.

Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:

  1. In the laboratory the sediment was wet sieved and the residue dry weighted and examined for the quantification of benthic foraminiferal species. The thickness of the sediment studied, the laboratory methodology and size fraction in which benthic foraminifera were studied are indicated in the column "dynamicProperties".

Referencias bibliográficas

  1. Alejo, I., Austin, W.E.N., Francés, G., Villas, F. 1999. Preliminary Investigations of the Recent Foraminifera of Baiona Bay, N.W. Spain. Journal of Coastal Research, 15, 413-427.
  2. Diz, P., Francés, G., Costas, S., Souto, C., Alejo, I. 2004. Distribution of benthic foraminifera in coarse sediments, Ría de Vigo, NW Iberian margin. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 34, 258-275. .
  3. Diz, P., Francés, G., Rosón, G. 2006. Effects of contrasting upwelling–downwelling on benthic foraminiferal distribution in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain). Journal of Marine Systems, 60, 1-18.
  4. Diz, P., Francés, G. 2008. Distribution of live benthic foraminifera in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain). Marine Micropaleontology, 66, 165-191.
  5. Diz, P., Francés, G. 2009. Postmortem processes affecting benthic foraminfieral assemblages in the Ría de Vigo, Spain: Implications for Paleoenvironmenal studies. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 39, 166-179.

Metadatos adicionales

Identificadores alternativos 10.15470/4t7mks