Biodiversity of Lepidoptera in a mid-mountain site in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. 2017-2019 Annualities. Description of the species Agnoea corteganensis Bernabé, Huertas, Jiménez & Vives, 2024, new especies, from Huelva, Spain (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

Données d'échantillonnage
Dernière version Publié par Universidad de Huelva le avr. 19, 2024 Universidad de Huelva
Date de publication:
19 avril 2024
Publié par:
Universidad de Huelva
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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Records of species and number of specimens of Lepidoptera, obtained from monthly sampling in a small plot of half a hectare, located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, within the Natural Park of the Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche, are offered. The first records of the new species Agnoea corteganensis Bernabé, Huertas, Jiménez and Vives, 2024 (Gelechioidea-Lypusidae) are included. More information in: Bernabé-Ruiz, P.M., Huertas-Dionisio, M., Jiménez-Nieva, F.J., & Vives Moreno, A. (2024). Biodiversity of Lepidoptera in a mid-mountain site in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. 2017-2019 Annualities. description of the species Agnoea corteganensis Bernabé, Huertas, Jiménez & Vives, sp. nov., from Huelva, Spain (Insecta: Lepidoptera). SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 52(205): 33-66.

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Bernabé-Ruiz PM, Huertas-Dionisio M, Jiménez-Nieva FJ, Vives Moreno A (2024) Biodiversity of Lepidoptera in a mid-mountain site in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. 2017-2019 Annualities. Description of the species Agnoea corteganensis Bernabé, Huertas, Jiménez & Vives, 2024, new species, from Huelva, Spain (Lepidoptera: Lypusidae, Gelechioidea)


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Samplingevent; species richness; abundance; new species; Agnoea corteganensis; Lepidoptera; Lypusidae; Specimen


Pedro Miguel Bernabé-Ruiz
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Auteur
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Doctoral student
Universidad de Huelva
Plaza de la Morana Portal 1, 1 B.
21004 Huelva
Francisco Javier Jiménez-Nieva
  • Personne De Contact
Universidad de Huelva
Campus del Carmen, Facultad CC. Experimentales
21071 Huelva
Antonio Vives Moreno
  • Personne De Contact
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Avenida Puerta de Hierro, 2
28040 Madrid
Amparo Blay Goicoechea
  • Conservateur
C/ José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2
28006 Madrid

Couverture géographique

Half hectare plot in the south-west of the Iberian Peninsula. Centre coordinates of the study plot: 37.9064N -6.8092W, Datum WGS84.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [37,906, -6,81], Nord Est [37,907, -6,809]

Couverture temporelle

Date de début 2017-01-29
Date de début 2017-02-26
Date de début 2017-03-11
Date de début 2017-04-23
Date de début 2017-05-20
Date de début 2017-06-09
Date de début 2017-07-08
Date de début 2017-08-28
Date de début 2017-09-28
Date de début 2017-10-28
Date de début 2017-11-19
Date de début 2017-12-31
Date de début 2018-01-30
Date de début 2018-02-24
Date de début 2018-03-27
Date de début 2018-04-26
Date de début 2018-05-12
Date de début 2018-06-22
Date de début 2018-07-30
Date de début 2018-08-10
Date de début 2018-09-29
Date de début 2018-10-24
Date de début 2018-11-30
Date de début 2018-12-27
Date de début 2019-01-12
Date de début 2019-02-24
Date de début 2019-03-19
Date de début 2019-04-26
Date de début 2019-05-04
Date de début 2019-06-01
Date de début 2019-07-31
Date de début 2019-08-10
Date de début 2019-09-26
Date de début 2019-10-06
Date de début 2019-11-16
Date de début 2019-12-06

Données sur le projet

The captures are the result of transects and actinic light trapping carried out during the thesis described below.

Titre Influence of environmental variables on a lepidopteran community in a Mediterranean mid-mountain area
Identifiant Doctoral thesis
Financement No sources of funding
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche This study was carried out on a 0.5 ha plot located at the bottom of a valley called Barranco de Carabaña, within the Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Natural Park. It has an altitude of 600 m above sea level, a north-north-west orientation and an average slope of 20 %. Within the boundaries of the plot there are four different habitats: chestnut woodland (Habitat of Community Interest 9260-Castanea sativa woodland), an orchard, hedgerows on the boundaries and a gallery woodland in the northern area. The predominant tree species surrounding the plot belong to the genus Quercus, in order of importance, Q. suber L., Q. faginea Lam. and Q. rotundifolia Lam.
Description du design Working hypothesis and objectives: 1º. To identify and quantify the lepidoptera present in a small plot of half a hectare located in Cortegana (Huelva), within the Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Natural Park 2º. By means of a bibliographic and documentary review, to characterise the lepidopteran community present, offering data on their flight phenology, number of generations, biogeographical distribution, feeding, their behaviour as potential pests, degree of protection-threat and previous records in the province of Huelva and Andalusia. 3º. To gain detailed knowledge of the flora and plant communities in the study area. 4º. To provide data and improvements in the management of the Habitats of Community Interest 9260-Castanea sativa forests and 6310-Evergreen Quercus spp. forests, protected by the Habitats Directive, in order to preserve their rich biodiversity. 5º. Studies of ecological diversity, including the Shannon index, monthly and seasonal. 6º. Multivariate predictive models relating specific richness and climatology. Motivations: There is little work on the lepidopteran communities present in the Sierra de Aracena, located in the north of the province of Huelva and covered by the Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Natural Park (hereafter referred to as PNSAPA). Nor do we know of any other study of this order of insects, based on systematic sampling carried out over several years in this region. This thesis aims to fill this gap in knowledge by carrying out systematic surveys over three years (2017-2019) in a specific point of the PNSAPA. Systematic monthly sampling was carried out using two actinic light sources, close to the gallery forest and 50 m apart. Diurnal transects have also been carried out through the different habitats that make up the studied area (orchard, chestnut grove, gallery forest and hedgerows) with a length of about 250 m, following, in general, the methodology described by Pollard & Yate (1993).

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Pedro Miguel Bernabé-Ruiz
Francisco Javier Jiménez-Nieva
Juan Carlos Pérez-Quintero

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Systematic monthly sampling was carried out using two actinic light sources, close to the gallery forest and 50 m apart. Diurnal transects have also been carried out through the different habitats that make up the studied area (orchard, chestnut grove, gallery forest and hedgerows) with a length of about 250 m, following, in general, the methodology described by Pollard & Yate (1993).

Etendue de l'étude This study was carried out on a 0.5 ha plot located at the bottom of a valley called Barranco de Carabaña, within the Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Natural Park. It has an altitude of 600 m above sea level, a north-north-west orientation and an average slope of 20 %. Within the boundaries of the plot there are four different habitats: chestnut woodland (Habitat of Community Interest 9260-Castanea sativa woodland), an orchard, hedgerows on the boundaries and a gallery woodland in the northern area. The predominant tree species surrounding the plot belong to the genus Quercus, in order of importance, Q. suber L., Q. faginea Lam. and Q. rotundifolia Lam.
Contrôle qualité In addition to comparing the morphological elements of the captured specimens, at all stages of development, including the genitalia, for the new species Agnoea corteganensis we have also used the proposed tool for molecular identification of Lepidoptera species, or DNA barcode marker, which uses the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial molecular marker cytochrome oxidase I (COI) (Hebert et al. 2003). More details on the link:

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. They are described in detail at the following link:

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Bernabé-Ruiz, P.M., Huertas-Dionisio, M., Jiménez-Nieva, F.J., & Vives Moreno, A. (2024). Biodiversity of Lepidoptera in a mid-mountain site in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. 2017-2019 Annualities. description of the species Agnoea corteganensis Bernabé, Huertas, Jiménez & Vives, sp. nov., from Huelva, Spain (Insecta: Lepidoptera). SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 52(205): 33-66.

Métadonnées additionnelles

Identifiants alternatifs 10.15470/jcqxxt