Fishes in MZNA-VERT: interactions between signal crayfish and fish communities. PhD project, Iván Vedia

Последняя версия опубликовано University of Navarra – Department of Environmental Biology дек. 17, 2021 University of Navarra – Department of Environmental Biology

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Crayfish is one of the most known invasive species in the rivers of the north of Spain. However, its interactions with other non-crustacean species is not well studied. This thesis analyses the habitat selection, the trophic ecology and the interactions of crayfish with fish species (Vedia I. 2016). To study these questions, fish surveys were perfomed in different rivers of northern Navarra (Spain). The records are presented in this dataset.

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Исследователи должны дать ссылку на эту работу следующим образом:

MZNA (2016): Fishes in MZNA-VERT: crayfish biology. PhD project, Iván Vedia. v1. University of Navarra, Museum of Zoology. Dataset/Occurrence.


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Публикующей организацией и владельцем прав на данную работу является University of Navarra – Department of Environmental Biology. Эта работа находится под лицензией Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0).

Регистрация в GBIF

Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: 931d8563-723a-49b3-ad72-ce3cf7615e5e.  University of Navarra – Department of Environmental Biology отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке GBIF Spain.

Ключевые слова

Occurrence; Occurrence; crayfish ecology; fish community; Ebro basin


MZNA Museum of Zoology
  • Originator
  • Institution
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
  • +34 948 425 600
Amaia A. Rodeles
  • Metadata Provider
  • PhD Student
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
David Galicia
  • Metadata Provider
  • Professor
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
  • +34948425600
Rafael Miranda Ferreiro
  • Point Of Contact
  • Principal Investigator
  • Professor
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
Arturo Ariño Plana
  • Custodian Steward
  • Head of the Museum
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
Iván Vedia Jiménez
  • Principal Investigator
  • PhD Student
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona

Географический охват

All specimens were collected in 20 rivers of the Ebro basin in the north of Navarra: Arakil, Arañosil, Areta, Arga, Basaburua, Ega, Esca, Erro, Irati, Larraun, Legartza, Lizarrusti, Mediano, Orokieta, Salazar, Sorogain, Ubagua, Ultzama, Urederra, Urrobi and Zatoia

Ограничивающие координаты Юг Запад [42,6, -2,27], Север Восток [43,16, -1,03]

Таксономический охват

All specimens were identified to the species level using the Guide to Freshwater Fish of Britain and Europe (Maitland P. S. & Linsell K., 1977). Seven species were recorded, five belonging to the Cyprinidae family (Barbus haasi, Gobio lozanoi, Luciobarbus graellsii, Parachondrostoma miegii and Phoxinus bigerri). The rest of the collected species belong to the families Salmonidae (Salmo trutta) and Nemacheilidae (Barbatula quignardi). In number of individuals, the most abundant family is Cyprinidae, with the 74% of the captures. Moreover, five species recorded in this dataset are endemic from the Iberian Peninsula one of them (Barbus haasi) is Vulnerable according to the IUCN Red List.

Species Barbus haasi (Iberian redfin barbel), Barbatula quignardi (Pyrenean stone loach), Luciobarbus graellsii (Ebro barbel), Gobio lozanoi (Pyrenean gudgeon), Parachondrostoma miegii (Ebro nase), Phoxinus bigerri (Pyrenean minnow), Salmo trutta (Brown trout)

Временной охват

Период формирования 2013

Данные проекта

This project aims to understand the interactions between the exotic crayfish and the native fish species to determine the impact of this alien species on the native freshwater fauna.

Название Especies exóticas invasoras y su relación con las nativas en áreas fluviales protegidas: interacciones del cangrejo señal con los peces autóctonos
Финансирование “Especies exóticas invasoras y su relación con las nativas en áreas fluviales protegidas: interacciones del cangrejo señal con los peces autóctonos”. PIUNA Plan de Investigación de la Universidad de Navarra (2014-2017).
Описание района исследования The rivers studied are mountain rivers or upper reaches of rivers of the Ebro basin: Arakil, Arañosin, Areta, Arga, Basaburua, Ega, Erro, Esca, Irati, Larraun, Legartza, Lizarrusti, Mediano, Orokieta, Salazar, Sorogain, Ubagua, Ultzama, Urederra, Urrobi and Zatoia rivers.
Описание плана выполнения исследований NA

Исполнители проекта:

Rafael Miranda Ferreiro
  • Principal Investigator
Iván Vedia Jiménez
  • Author

Методы сбора

The main sampling method was electric fishing, using a back-pack electrofishing unit during 30 minutes. The captured individuals were sedated with 2-phenoxyethanol, identified, counted and measured (total length in mm). Then, fishes were returned to the river. Species identification was performed by R. Miranda and I. Vedia.

Охват исследования The specimens were captured in 42 localities dispersed through 21 rivers of Navarra in the year 2013.
Контроль качества Species identification was performed by R. Miranda and I. Vedia using suitable literature (Maitland & Linsell 1977) and scientific names were validated using the W. N. Eschmeyer’s Catalog of Fishes (Eschmeyer 2014). Specimens were returned to the river. Darwin test software (v3.3 Ortega-Maqueda and Pando 2008) was used to check out possible mistakes in the coordinates, characters and the format of dates.

Описание этапа методики:

  1. Specimens were sampled following the procedure described in the Sampling description section. The individuales were identified, measured and released. Field data was revised, digitalised and incorporated to the MZNA database (Zootron v4.5, Ariño 1991). The dataset was exported to DarwinCore v1.4 format and revised to correct errors to adequate it to DarwinCore standars. Metadata information was added and the Darwin Core Archive was incorporated to the Spanish GBIF IPT.

Данные коллекции

Название коллекции Muestreos de peces de la tesis de Iván Vedia
Идентификатор родительской коллекции
Единицы хранения Кол-во 3 032 +/- 1 Observation

Библиографические ссылки

  1. Maitland P. S. & Linsell K. (1977). Guide to Freshwater Fish of Britain and Europe. Philips, Seattle.
  2. Eschmeyer, W. N. and R. Fricke (eds). CATALOG OF FISHES: GENERA, SPECIES, REFERENCES. ( Accessed 22/02/2015.
  3. Ortega-Maqueda, I. & Pando, F. (2008). DARWIN_TEST (V3.3): Una aplicación para la validación y el chequeo de los datos en formato Darwin Core 1.2 or Darwin Core 1.4, (08/11/2014). Unidad de Coordinación de GBIF.ES, CSIC. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, España.
  4. Ariño A.H. (1991) Bibliography of Iberian Polychaetes: a data base. Ophelia, suppl. 5: 647-652.
  5. Vedia, I. (2016). Departamento de Zoología y Ecología. Universidad de Navarra.

Дополнительные метаданные

The Museum of Zoology (MZNA) was founded in 1980 as a repository of zoological materials originating from research and instructional activities of the department of Environmental Biology (proviously known as the department of Zoology and Ecology) of the University of Navarra. Nowadays MZNA store more than two millions specimens in its climate-controlled facilities. The Museum is a Data Provider for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and is an Affiliate to the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). The Museum is also in charge of the curation and management of the Natural History Collections of the School of Science of the University of Navarra (Spain). MZNA attends to reserchers around the world, make loans and accepts deposits.


The aim of the present data set is to provide all information of the records of freshwater fishes related with the project thesis of Iván Vedia. In this study, fish communities of the north of Navarra (Spain) were sampled to determine their interactions with the invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus).

Описание частоты обновления ресурса Dataset is closed. The regular maintenance of the database could imply modification of some metadata related with sampling information of literature cited. New versions of the dataset will be published when required.
Альтернативные идентификаторы doi:10.15470/knqev7