Fishes in MZNA-VERT: distribution of freshwater blenny in the Segre and Susia rivers (Spain)

Dernière version Publié par University of Navarra – Department of Environmental Biology le déc. 17, 2021 University of Navarra – Department of Environmental Biology

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The river blenny (Salaria fluviatilis) is catalogued as endangered in Spain so the monitoring of the distribution and health of its populations is a good tool for its conservation. This dataset contains records of Salaria fluviatilis and other fish species captured in the Segre and Susia rivers (north of Spain) during two monitoring programs.

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MZNA (2016): Fishes in MZNA-VERT: distribution of freshwater blenny in the Segre and Susia rivers (Spain). v1. University of Navarra, Museum of Zoology. Dataset/Occurrence.


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Occurrence; Observation; Occurrence; Salaria fluviatilis; Segre river; fish populations; fish monitoring


MZNA Museum of Zoology
  • Créateur
  • Institution
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
  • 34 948 425 600
Amaia A. Rodeles
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • PhD Student
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
David Galicia
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Professor
University of Navarra
  • Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
  • +34948425600
Rafael Miranda Ferreiro
  • Personne De Contact
  • Chercheur Principal
  • Lecturer
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
Arturo Ariño Plana
  • Curateur Des Données
  • Head of the Museum
Universidad de Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
Ángel Chaves Illana
  • Conservateur
  • Technician
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
Ana Amézcua Martínez
  • Conservateur
  • Technician
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
María Imas Lecumberri
  • Conservateur
  • Technician
University of Navarra
  • C/ Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona
Pedro M. Leunda Urretabizkaia
  • Auteur
  • Researcher
Gestión Ambiental de Navarra S.A.
  • Calle Padre Adoáin, 219
31015 Pamplona
Javier Oscoz Escudero
  • Auteur
  • Researcher
University of Navarra
  • C/Irunlarrea 1
31008 Pamplona

Couverture géographique

All specimens were collected in the Segre river in Ponts and downstream of the Rialb dam (Gualter, Spain) and the Susia river upstream the El Grado dam. Both rivers, Segre and Susia, are tributaries of the Ebro river and finally flow into the Mediterranean sea.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [41,96, -0,45], Nord Est [42,43, 1,22]

Couverture taxonomique

All specimens were identified to the species level using the Guide to Freshwater Fish of Britain and Europe (Maitland P. S. & Linsell K., 1977). Sixteen species were recorded, nine of the Cyprinidae family. The rest of the collected species belong to the families Salmonidae, Nemacheilidae, Cobitidae, Percidae, Centrarchidae, Bleniidae and Anguillidae. The 59% of the captures belong to the Cyprinidae family. Moreover, five species recorded in this dataset are endemic from the Iberian Peninsula and five are introduced.

Species Anguilla anguilla (Eel), Salaria fluviatilis (River blenny), Alburnus alburnus (Bleak), Barbus haasi (Iberian redfin barbel), Cyprinus carpio (Carp), Gobio lozanoi (Pyrenean gudgeon), Luciobarbus graellsii (Ebro barbel), Parachondrostoma miegii (Ebro nase), Phoxinus bigerri (Pyrenean minnow), Rutilus rutilus (Roach), Squalius laietanus (Ebro chub), Sander lucioperca (Pikeperch), Salmo trutta (Brown trout), Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout)

Couverture temporelle

Epoque de vie 2003-2006, 2008, 2010

Données sur le projet

Salaria fluviatilis is the only freshwater member of the family Bleniidae, threatened with extinction in the Iberian Peninsula. Information of this dataset is gathered from four research projects: two projects specifically funded the study of this species and other two projects that indirectly provided the opportunity of recovering information about the biology and habitat preferences of this species.

Titre Distribution of freshwater blenny in the Segre and Susia rivers (Spain)
Financement - "Seguimiento de la población de Blenio de Río (Salaria fluviatilis) en el río Segre aguas abajo del Embalse de Rialb (Lérida)" - "Estudio de las poblaciones de peces del río Susia, con especial énfasis en la especie Salaria fluviatilis. - Análisis preliminar del comportamiento trófico de la nutria (Lutra lutra) con respecto a las migraciones reproductoras de los peces" - "Estudio de la calidad ecológica del río Segre a su paso por la localidad de Ponts: análisis de las poblaciones piscícolas, índices bióticos a partir de macroinvertebrados bentónicos y caracterización del hábitat fluvial (índices IHF y QBR)". .Hired by FLUMEN S.Cv.
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche The Segre river is born in the Pyrenees and flows to the Ebro river. The Susia river is a secondary tributary of the Ebro river and drains a basin of 100 km2.
Description du design NA

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Rafael Miranda Ferreiro
  • Chercheur Principal

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

The main sampling method was electric fishing, using a back-pack electrofishing unit. The captured individuals were sedated with 2-phenoxyethanol, identified, counted and measured (total length in mm). Then, fishes were returned to the river. Invasive species were euthanized, studied on the laboratory and deposited on the Zoological Museum of the University of Navarra (MZNA, Pamplona, Spain).

Etendue de l'étude The specimens were captured in two localities of the Segre river (Gualter and Ponts) and two in the Susia river (near Grado dam and Javierre) in the years, 2003, 2005 and 2006.
Contrôle qualité Species identification was performed by R. Miranda using suitable literature (Maitland & Linsell 1977) and scientific names were validated using the W. N. Eschmeyer’s Catalog of Fishes (Eschmeyer 2014). Specimens were returned to the river or deposited in the Museum of Zoology of the University of Navarra. Each specimen was labelled with a unique collection number. Darwin test software (v3.3 Ortega-Maqueda and Pando 2008) was used to check out possible mistakes in the coordinates, characters and the format of dates.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Specimens were sampled following the procedure described in the Sampling description section. The individuals were identified, measured and released in the majority of cases. In some cases the specimens were euthanized and deposited on the Museum of Zoology of the University of Navarra in labelled jars, preserved with formalin and later in 70% ethyl alcohol. Field data was revised, digitalised and incorporated to the MZNA database (Zootron v4.5, Ariño 1991). The dataset was exported to DarwinCore v1.4 format and revised to correct errors to adequate it to DarwinCore standars. Metadata information was added and the Darwin Core Archive was incorporated to the Spanish GBIF IPT.

Données de collection

Nom de la collection Muestreos sobre el blenio de río (Salaria fluviatilis)
Identifiant de la collection parente
Méthode de conservation des spécimens Alcohol
Unités de conservation Compteur 3 012 incertitude (+/-) 1 Observation ,  Compteur 6 incertitude (+/-) 1 Jar

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Maitland P. S. & Linsell K. (1977). Guide to Freshwater Fish of Britain and Europe. Philips, Seattle.
  2. Eschmeyer, W. N. and R. Fricke (eds). CATALOG OF FISHES: GENERA, SPECIES, REFERENCES. ( Accessed 22/02/2015.
  3. Ortega-Maqueda, I. & Pando, F. (2008). DARWIN_TEST (V3.3): Una aplicación para la validación y el chequeo de los datos en formato Darwin Core 1.2 or Darwin Core 1.4, (08/11/2014). Unidad de Coordinación de GBIF.ES, CSIC. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, España.
  4. Ariño A.H. (1991) Bibliography of Iberian Polychaetes: a data base. Ophelia, suppl. 5: 647-652.
  5. Miranda R. Análisis de la población de Blenio de río (Salaria fluviatilis) en el río Segre aguas abajo del embalse de Rialb (Lérida). Contratado por FLUMEN S.Cv. Octubre de 2003. Technical report.
  6. Miranda R. Estudio del comportamiento trófico de la nutria (Lutra lutra) con respecto a las migraciones reproductoras de los peces en afluentes de los ríos Aragón, Gallego y Cinca. Contratado por FLUMEN S.Cv. 2004. Technical report.
  7. Miranda R. Seguimiento de la población de Blenio de río (Salaria fluviatilis) en el río Segre aguas abajo del embalse de Rialb (Lérida). Contratado por FLUMEN Estudios y Proyectos Ambientales S.L. Noviembre de 2005. Technical report.
  8. Miranda R. Seguimiento de la población de Blenio de río (Salaria fluviatilis) en el río Segre aguas abajo del embalse de Rialb (Lérida). Contratado por FLUMEN Estudios y Proyectos Ambientales S.L. Noviembre de 2006. Technical report.
  9. Miranda R. Seguimiento de la población de Blenio de río (Salaria fluviatilis) aguas abajo del Embalse de Rialb (río Segre, Lleida). Campaña de 2007. Contratado por FLUMEN Estudios y Proyectos Ambientales S.L. Noviembre de 2007. Technical report.
  10. Miranda R. Estudio de la calidad ecológica del río Segre a su paso por la localidad de Ponts: análisis de las poblaciones piscícolas, índices bióticos a partir de macroinvertebrados bentónicos y caracterización del hábitat fluvial (índices IHF y QBR). Contratado por FLUMEN Estudios y Proyectos Ambientales S.L. Diciembre de 2010. Technical report.

Métadonnées additionnelles

The Museum of Zoology (MZNA) was founded in 1980 as a repository of zoological materials originating from research and instructional activities of the department of Environmental Biology (proviously known as the department of Zoology and Ecology) of the University of Navarra. Nowadays MZNA store more than two millions specimens in its climate-controlled facilities. The Museum is a Data Provider for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and is an Affiliate to the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). The Museum is also in charge of the curation and management of the Natural History Collections of the School of Science of the University of Navarra (Spain). The MZNA attends to reserchers around the world, make loans and accepts deposits.


The aim of the present data set is to provide all information of the records of Salaria fluviatilis and other fish species captured in the Segre and Susia rivers (north of Spain) during two monitoring programs.

Description de la fréquence de mise à jour Dataset is closed. The regular maintenance of the preserved material could imply modification of some metadata related with curatorial units. New versions of the dataset will be published when required.
Identifiants alternatifs doi:10.15470/d2ldy9