The collection of Bathynellacea specimens of MNCN (CSIC) Madrid: microscope slices and DNA extracts

Dernière version Publié par Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC) le nov. 30, 2018 Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC)
Date de publication:
30 novembre 2018
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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This is the first published database of a Bathynellacea Chappuis, 1915 collection of slices and DNA extracts. It includes all data of bathynellids (Crustacea: Syncarida) collected in the last 48 years on the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. It also includes specimens studied across much of Europe, as well as some specimens obtained from samples of North America, Asia, Africa and Australia. The samples come from groundwater (caves, springs, wells and hyporrheic habitat associated rivers) obtained from both, sampling campaigns and occasional sampling efforts.

The data set includes 3399 records (2657 slices and 742 DNA extracts) corresponding to three families (Parabathynellidae, Leptobathynellidae and Bathynellidae) of the order Bathynellacea; 52 genera and 92 species formally described, plus around 30 additional taxa in study and, thus, still unpublished. This represents more than half of all the genera known worldwide and almost a third of the species currently known in the world.

This dataset contains a specially relevant collection that includes holotypes and type series of 43 new species of Bathynellacea. This dataset has been created and reviewed by a specialist in the group (Ana I. Camacho), and each specimen, regardless of its shape, includes taxonomic, geographical and authorship information.

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Comment citer

Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Camacho A I, A. Dorda B, Sanchez Chillón B, Rey I (2016): The collection of Bathynellacea specimens of MNCN (CSIC) Madrid: microscope slices and DNA extracts. v2.0. Spanish National Museum of Natural Sciences (CSIC). Dataset/Occurrence.


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L’éditeur et détenteur des droits de cette ressource est Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC). Ce travail est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0.

Enregistrement GBIF

Cette ressource a été enregistrée sur le portail GBIF, et possède l'UUID GBIF suivante : 07f0789f-c777-4c99-acb3-815c78c7db81.  Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC) publie cette ressource, et est enregistré dans le GBIF comme éditeur de données avec l'approbation du GBIF Spain.


Crustacea; Bathynellacea; Invertebrates Collections; Permanent preparations; DNA extract; Type collection; Groundwater fauna; MNCN (CSIC); Occurrence


Ana I. Camacho
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
  • Researcher
  • C/ Jose Gutierrez Abascal,2
28006 Madrid
Beatriz A. Dorda
  • Utilisateur
  • Curator
  • C/ Jose Gutierrez Abascal,2
28006 Madrid
Begoña Sanchez Chillón
  • Créateur
  • Curator
  • C/ Jose Gutierrez Abascal,2
28006 Madrid
Isabel Rey
  • Créateur
  • Curator
  • C/ Jose Gutierrez Abascal,2
28006 Madrid
Beatriz A. Dorda
  • Utilisateur
  • C/ Jose Gutierrez Abascal,2
28006 Madrid

Couverture géographique

Specimens from all around the world are included, from Alaska (USA) to New South Wales (Australia). The material from the USA come from a few samples collected in the states of Montana, Washington, Alaska and Texas. There are also 25 records from 3 South American localities in Chile, Brazil and Argentina. The Asian countries included in the collection are China, Thailand, Vietnam and a pair of localities from Mongolia and India. In the case of Africa, there are samples from Morocco and Chad. Australia is represented by samples from Queensland and New South Wales. The most important part of the database is composed by European records, especially from Spain, although other countries are also represented: Italy, France, Portugal, England, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Romania. In the case of Spain, almost all Autonomous Communities are represented, as well as most of the provinces, although Cantabria and Burgos are the most widely represented. The only Autonomous Communities not present in the data base are Extremadura and La Rioja.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [-32,29, -148,014], Nord Est [62,323, 152,382]

Couverture taxonomique

This is a collection of Bathynellacea, a group of Crustacea Malacostraca. The three families of the order Bathynellacea: Bathynellidae, Parabathynellidae and Leptobathynellidae, are all represented in the collection.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Crustacea
Order Bathynellacea
Family Bathynellidae, Parabathynellidae, Leptobathynellidae

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 1968-01-01 / 2016-01-01

Données de collection

Nom de la collection Artropods Collection
Nom de la collection Tissues and DNA Collection

Métadonnées additionnelles

Identifiants alternatifs 07f0789f-c777-4c99-acb3-815c78c7db81