Three species of Chalcididae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) were newly recorded from Morocco during a study carried out in the Maâmora forest between 2012 and 2014: Hockeria bifasciata (Walker, 1834), H. mengenillarum (Silvestri, 1943) and Proconura decipiens (Masi, 1929). P. decipiens (Masi, 1929) stat. rev. will be removed from synonymy with P. nigripes (Fonscolombe, 1832). This study includes bibliographical research and revision of specimens deposited in the National Museum of Natural History, Scientific Institute of Rabat (Morocco). Twenty-six species and fourteen genera belonging to the family Chalcididae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) are now catalogued from Morocco.
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Как оформить ссылку
Исследователи должны дать ссылку на эту работу следующим образом:
Kissayi, K., Benhalima, S., Bentata, F., Bhilili, M., Benhoussa, A., 2019. New records for a catalogue of Chalcididae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Morocco. Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. Dataset/Occurrence: https://doi.org/10.15470/nochzr
Исследователи должны соблюдать следующие права:
Публикующей организацией и владельцем прав на данную работу является Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. Эта работа находится под лицензией Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0).
Регистрация в GBIF
Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: ae1927af-f8a2-4838-b9d3-44269b3bfcf3. Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке GBIF Spain.
Ключевые слова
Hymenoptera; Chalcididae; New data; Maâmora; Morocco; Occurrence; Occurrence
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Географический охват
The specimens were collected at three locations within the forest of Maâmora, Morocco
Ограничивающие координаты | Юг Запад [30,449, -9,844], Север Восток [35,767, -2,164] |
Таксономический охват
Moroccan Chalcididae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) at the forest of Maâmora
Family | Family Chalcididae |
Subfamily | Subfamily Haltichellinae, Subfamily Chalcidinae, Subfamily Cratocentrinae, Subfamily Dirhininae, Subfamily Haltichellinae |
Tribe | Tribe Haltichellini, Tribe Hybothoracini, Tribe Brachymeriini, Tribe Chalcidini, Tribe Dirhinini, Tribe Haltichellini, Tribe Hybothoracini |
Временной охват
Дата начала / Дата окончания | 2012-04-26 / 2014-06-14 |
Данные проекта
Three species of Chalcididae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) were newly recorded from Morocco during a study carried out in the Maâmora forest between 2012 and 2014: Hockeria bifasciata (Walker, 1834), H. mengenillarum (Silvestri, 1943) and Proconura decipiens (Masi, 1929). P. decipiens (Masi, 1929) stat. rev. will be removed from synonymy with P. nigripes (Fonscolombe, 1832). This study includes bibliographical research and revision of specimens deposited in the National Museum of Natural History, Scientific Institute of Rabat (Morocco). Twenty-six species and fourteen genera belonging to the family Chalcididae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) are now catalogued from Morocco.
Название | New records for a catalogue of Chalcididae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Morocco |
Описание района исследования | The specimens were collected at three locations within the forest of Maâmora, Morocco (fig. 1): (1) Taïcha, Station 1: located near the forestry post Taïcha in the western Maâmora, canton A, commune Sidi Taïbi, 34° 13' 29.5" N, 6° 39' 04.8"W, 36 m. (2) Al Maha, Station 2: located in a private reserve in South Eastern Maâmora, canton D, commune Aïn Johra, 34° 06' 34.2" N, 6° 19' 04.0" W, 175 m. And (3) Aïn Assou, Station 3: located near the forestry post Aïn Assou in the northern Maâmora, canton D, commune Kceïbia, 34° 12' 07.9" N, 6° 15' 10.8" W, 84 m. |
Исполнители проекта:
- Author
Методы сбора
All samples were collected by K. Kissayi (first author), using one Malaise trap per station once a week over three periods: 26 April to 8 October 2012, 24 May to 23 September 2013 and 27 November 2013 to 14 June 2014. After sorting, specimens were preserved in 70% alcohol prior to identification.
Охват исследования | The specimens were collected at three locations within the forest of Maâmora, Morocco (fig. 1): (1) Taïcha, Station 1: located near the forestry post Taïcha in the western Maâmora, canton A, commune Sidi Taïbi, 34° 13' 29.5" N, 6° 39' 04.8"W, 36 m. (2) Al Maha, Station 2: located in a private reserve in South Eastern Maâmora, canton D, commune Aïn Johra, 34° 06' 34.2" N, 6° 19' 04.0" W, 175 m. And (3) Aïn Assou, Station 3: located near the forestry post Aïn Assou in the northern Maâmora, canton D, commune Kceïbia, 34° 12' 07.9" N, 6° 15' 10.8" W, 84 m. The climate of the Maâmora forest is in general thermo-Mediterranean, sub-humid at the first station and semi-arid at the other two stations (Métro and Sauvage, 1955). Geographical positions are given using coordinates in Merchich's geographic reference system. |
Контроль качества | Identifications were carried out by G. Delvare (CIRAD) and K. Kissayi using keys in Habu (1960, 1962), Bouček (1951, 1956, 1988), Bouček and Sedivy (1954), Ferrière and Kerrich (1958), Bouček and Narendran (1981), Narendran (1984, 1986, 1989), Delvare (1988, 1992, 1993), Bouček and Delvare (1992), Bouček and Halstead (1997), Narendran and van Achterberg (2016) and Delvare (2017). |
Описание этапа методики:
- The list of Moroccan Chalcididae shown below is arranged by subfamilies, tribes, genera and species in alphabetical order. Under distribution in Morocco we include localities and dates of capture (Morocco’ indicates that a more precise locality is unavailable).
Библиографические ссылки
- Kissayi, K., Benhalima, S., Bentata, F., Bhilili, M., Benhoussa, A., 2019. New records for a catalogue of Chalcididae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Morocco. Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 17: 145-158, Doi: https://doi.org/10.32800/amz.2019.17.0145 https://doi.org/10.32800/amz.2019.17.0145
Дополнительные метаданные
Альтернативные идентификаторы | ae1927af-f8a2-4838-b9d3-44269b3bfcf3 |
https://ipt.gbif.es/resource?r=hymenoptera_chalcididae_morocco |