CUBA: Herbario de la Academia de Ciencias, La Habana, Cuba: HAC-Pteridophyta

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The HAC herbarium gathers the highest Cuban collections of dry plants before 1959, which belonged to 13 collections with their own characteristics and catalog numeration. All these collections are now integrated in HAC and HAJB, but there is not a unique catalog number for each specimen. The HFC series started after 1966, and this is the series for the Project of rewriting the Cuban Flora, initiated by the National Botanical Garden in collaboration with other institutions. The main collection is at the HAJB, but there are duplicates in HAC too. The main collections at HAC are: CSC: Colegio del Sagrado Corazón de Guantánamo (collector: Bro. Hioram) HABA: Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Físicas y Naturales de La Habana (collection of Ch. Wright from Sauvalle´s Herbarium) HFC: Herbario de la Flora de Cuba IH: Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza de La Habana (collectors: García Cañizares, Sebastián Alfredo de Morales, José Ignacio Torralbas, I. Castellanos) IM: Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza de Matanzas (collection of Ch. Wright from Jimeno´s Herbarium) LS: Colegio de La Salle, Vedado-Habana (collectors: Bro. León, Bro. Alain, Bro. Marie Victorin, Bro. Néstor, Bro. Chrysogone, Bro. Clemente José, Bro. Hioram Juan and M. Roca, and also duplicates from: Rugel, von Eggers, J. A. Shafer, E. L. Ekman, E. P. Killip, J. G. Jack, W. H. Hodge, R. A. Howard, R. K.Godfrey and M. López Figueiras) NSC: Colegio Ntra. Sra. de la Caridad, Santiago de Cuba (collection of Bro. Clemente José) HROIG: Herbario personal de Juan Tomás Roig (collection of Dr. J. T. Roig) SV: Estación Experimental Agronómica, Santiago de las Vegas (collectors: F. S. Earle, H. P. van Hermann, Percy Wilson, Miguel Zarragoitia O´Donovan, Manuel Abarca Vázquez, J. A. Shafer, N. L. Britton, E. G. Britton, M. A. Howe, C. S. Pager, J. F. Cowell, W. R. Maxon, W. Palmer, J. H. Riley, A. Taylor, R. Combs, S. M. Tracy y A. H. Curtiss, J. T. Roig, J. Acuña, V. Samek, A. Borhidi, N. Imchaniskaya, I. Grudsinskaya, R. Oviedo, E. del Risco, A. Cárdenas, Bobrov, O. Muñiz) The number of this collection was followed from 1967 up to the present, date in which the herbarium changed to Herbarium of Academy of Science. EF: Ministerio de Agricultura, Dirección de Montes, Minas y Aguas, Escuela Forestal (J. T. Roig) Jardín Botánico de Plantas Industriales del CNIC (Matías Yero) UO: Universidad de Oriente (duplicates from UO, collectors: M. L. Figueiras, C. T. Ransdem, Gerardo Álvarez, Pastor Alayo) EH: Expedición cubano-alemana “Alexander von Humbodt” (Cuban- German Expedition 1967-1968)

Note: this dataset was previously orphaned. It has been rescued by ① extracting it from the index (see GBIF Download in External Data) and ② republishing it on this IPT data hosting centre as version 1.0.


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Regalado, L., Lóriga J., Morejón, R., Hechavarría, L., Fuentes, I., Hernández A., Daniel, A., Caluff, M., Ventosa, I., Vale, A. & Echevarría R. (2006) Pteridophyte collection online database (HAC) GBIF-Spain: CUBA: Herbario de la Academia de Ciencias, La Habana, Cuba: HAC-Pteridophyta. doi:10.15468/5gpcoo.



此資料的發布者及權利單位為 GBIF-Spain。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.


此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: 8380d926-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a。  GBIF-Spain 發佈此資源,並經由GBIF Spain同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。





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Ledis Regalado
  • 元數據提供者
  • 連絡人
J. Lóriga
  • 出處
R. Morejón
  • 出處
L. Hechavarría
  • 出處
I. Fuertes
  • 出處
A. Hernández
  • 出處
A. Daniel
  • 出處
M. Caluff
  • 出處
I. Ventosa
  • 出處
A. Vale
  • 出處
R. Echevarría
  • 出處
Ledis Regalado
  • 元數據提供者
  • 連絡人


替代的識別碼 doi:10.15468/5gpcoo