GYPSUM LICHENS: a global data set of lichen species from gypsum ecosystems

最新版本 published by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos on 1月 22, 2024 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

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Lichens are significant components of the Biological Soil Crust (BSC) communities in gypsum ecosystems and are involved in several processes related to ecosystem functioning. Although numerous studies centered on lichen taxonomy and ecology have been performed in these habitats, global information about the lichen species from gypsum ecosystems or their distributional ranges at a global scale is missing. Thus, a global data set of lichen species growing on gypsum has been compiled. A total of 321 studies were finally retained for the review. This data set is composed of 6114 specimen records, belonging to 336 lichen species from 26 countries throughout the World. Spain and Germany hosted the highest number of species (160 and 114 species respectively). Outside the European continent, only a few countries had a significant number of species: Morocco (46), United States (42), and Iran (37). Remarkably, countries from the southern hemisphere (i.e. Australia, Chile, Namibia, and South Africa) showed a low number of studies from gypsum lands. The number of records per country showed a similar pattern as the species number, having Spain and Germany the highest number of records (3863 and 1075 respectively). Thirty one families are present in the data set. Teloschistaceae (56 species), Verrucariaceae (38 species), and Cladoniaceae (37 species) are the most represented families showing the highest number of species. Regarding the number of records, Cladoniaceae (1267 records), Teloschistaceae (972 records), and Psoraceae (539 records) are the most abundant families. Psora decipiens (Psoraceae) and Squamarina lentigera (Cladoniaceae) are the most widespread species concerning the number of countries in which the species were present, and the most abundant regarding the total number of records.


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Muriel S, Aragón G, Martínez I, Prieto M (2024). GYPSUM LICHENS: a global data set of lichen species from gypsum ecosystems. Version 1.2. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Occurrence dataset.



此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.


此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: a58b5ac4-0570-4ce4-b67b-077d43460cce。  Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 發佈此資源,並經由GBIF Spain同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。


Occurrence; Arid; Biological Soil Crust; BSC; Gypsiferous; Gypsophiles; Gypsovags; Saxicolous; Terricolous


Sergio Muriel
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
  • PhD student
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • c/ Tulipán s/n
28933 Móstoles
Gregorio Aragón
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
  • Full professor
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • c/ Tulipán s/n
28933 Móstoles
Isabel Martínez
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
  • Full professor
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • c/ Tulipán s/n
28933 Móstoles
María Prieto
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
  • Associate professor
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • c/ Tulipán s/n
28933 Móstoles


The data set includes revised studies of gypsum soils from the Mediterranean Basin (e.g., Spain, Italy, Morocco, Turkey), Central Europe (Germany, Poland), Middle East (Iran, Iraq), and central parts of Asia (Kazakhstan, Russia), United States, Mexico, Canada, Chile, the southern territories of Africa (Namibia, South Africa), and Australia, covering a large part of the total distribution of the gypsum soils in the World

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [21.006, -119.467], 緯度北界 經度東界 [53.935, 99.567]


起始日期 / 結束日期 1881-01-01 / 2018-12-12


The GYPWORLD project aims at an integrated global study of the ecology and evolution of plant and lichen life on gypsum, including eight gypsum-rich regions from four continents that differ in geological origin, climate, and flora.

計畫名稱 GYPWORLD: A Global initiative to understand gypsum ecosystem ecology
經費來源 European Union
研究區域描述 Gypsum ecosystems are mainly located in arid and semi-arid lands around the World: Australia, Eastern and Southwest Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, some territories of South America, USA, and Mexico, and Western and Central Asia


替代的識別碼 10.15470/6yne3u