Efectos del Cambio Ambiental en las comunidades de organismos de los ríos mediterráneos

Sampling event
最新版本 published by Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management (F.E.H.M.) Research Group - Universitat de Barcelona on 7月 6, 2023 Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management (F.E.H.M.) Research Group - Universitat de Barcelona

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Collection of aquatic macroinvertebrates of the studies of biodiversity monitoring and the ecological state of the rivers and streams. The study sites are within the protected areas of the Natural Parks of the Diputació de Barcelona and in other river reaches with reference conditions of the province of Barcelona. The main objective of the project is to examine whether global environmental changes are affecting the structure of these ecosystems. The collection includes specimens collected in spring and summer from 2012 to 2019. Specimens of macroinvertebrates are sorted and identified at major groups (6%), family (19%), subfamily (9,5%), tribe (2.5%), genus (51%) and species (11,5%) level. The macroinvertebrates have been fixed in 4% formaldehyde or 70% ethanol and preserved in 70% ethanol in 5mL vials. This project is the continuation of the first river quality monitoring studies that started back in 1979, which data will soon be included in GBIF as well. On the other hand, as the project has continuity in the future, this collection will grow year by year.


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Fortuño Estrada P (2023). Efectos del Cambio Ambiental en las comunidades de organismos de los ríos mediterráneos. Version 2.11. Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management (F.E.H.M.) Research Group - Universitat de Barcelona. Samplingevent dataset. https://doi.org/10.15470/yt2uex



此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management (F.E.H.M.) Research Group - Universitat de Barcelona。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: 2444d607-5bbc-4b7a-a804-fd9fbaebd6c6。  Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management (F.E.H.M.) Research Group - Universitat de Barcelona 發佈此資源,並經由GBIF Spain同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。


Samplingevent; Samplingevent


Pau Fortuño Estrada
  • 元數據提供者
Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management (F.E.M) Research Group - Universitat de Barcelona
Av. Diagonal, 643 (Unitat Ecologia - Fac. Biologia)
08028 Barcelona
Pau Fortuño Estrada
  • 元數據提供者
Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management (F.E.M) Research Group - Universitat de Barcelona
Av. Diagonal, 643 (Unitat Ecologia - Fac. Biologia)
08028 Barcelona


Barcelona province

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [41.267, 1.51], 緯度北界 經度東界 [42.259, 2.641]


Aquatic macroinvertebrates of mediterranean rivers (family, genus or species level)

Genus Adicella, Aeshna, Agabus, Agapetus, Amphinemura, Anacaena, Anax, Ancylus, Aphelocheirus, Aquarius, Asellus, Atherix, Atrichops, Baetis, Beraea, Bidessus, Bithynella, Boyeria, Brachyptera, Brillia, Caenis, Calopteryx, Centroptilum, Ceraclea, Ceriagrion, Ceriagrion, Chaetarthria, Chaetopteryx, Chalcolestes, Chelifera, Chimarra, Chironomus, Chloroperla, Chrysops, Cloeon, Cordulegaster, Corynoneura, Crunoecia, Culex, Cyphon, Deronectes, Dicranota, Dina, Dinocras/Eoperla, Dixa, Dixella, Dryops, Dugesia, Dytiscus, Ecdyonurus, Echinogammarus, Electrogena, Elmis, Elodes, Epeorus, Ephemera, Erpobdella, Esolus, Galba, Gerris, Glossiphonia, Glossosoma, Glyphotaelius, Goera, Gomphus, Graptodytes, Gyraulus, Gyrinus, Habroleptoides, Habrophlebia, Halesus, Haliplus, Helobdella, Helochares, Helophorus, Hemerodromia, Hexatoma, Holocentropus, Hydra, Hydraena, Hydrochus, Hydrocyphon, Hydrometra, Hydrophilus, Hydroporus, Hydropsyche, Hydroptila, Hyporhyacophila, Ibisia, Ilybius, Ischnura, Islamia, Isoperla, Krenosmittia, Laccobius, Laccophilus, Lepidostoma, Lestes, Leucorrhinia, Leuctra, Libellula, Limnebius, Limnephilus, Limnephilus, Limnius, Liponeura, Lymnaea, Lype, Maladema, Mesophylax, Metalype, Micronecta, Microvelia, Mystacides, Naucoris, Nehalennia, Nemoura, Nepa, Neureclepsis, Niphargus, Notonecta, Odontocerum, Oecetis, Oligoplectrum, Oligoplectrum, Onychogomphus, Orectochilus, Oreodytes, Orthetrum, Orthotrichia, Osmylus, Oulimnius, Oxycera, Oxyloma, Paraleptophlebia, Parasigara, Paratrichocladius, Peltodytes, Perla, Perlodes, Philopotamus, Physa, Physella, Pilaria, Pisidium, Plactycnemis, Planorbis, Platambus, Platycnemis, Plectrocnemia, Polycelis, Polycentropus, Potamophylax, Potamopyrgus, Prionocera, Procambarus, Procloeon, Protonemura, Pseudamnicola, Psychoda, Psychomyia, Ptychoptera, Pyrrhosoma, Radix, Rhithrogena, Rhyacophila, Riolus, Scirtes, Selysiothemis, Sepedon, Sericostoma, Serratella, Sialis, Silo, Siphonoperla, Sphaerium, Stenelmis, Stenophylax, Stictonectes, Stictotarsus, Stractobia, Stratiomys, Sympecma, Sympetrum, Synagapetus, Tabanus, Thaumalea, Thienemanniella, Thraulus, Tinodes, Tipula, Tonnoiriella, Torleya, Triaenodes, Velia, Wormaldia, Yola


起始日期 / 結束日期 2012-03-01 / 2022-09-01


Studies of biodiversity monitoring and ecological state of Mediterranean rivers and streams. The study sites are within the protected areas of the Natural Parks of the Diputació de Barcelona and in other river reaches with reference conditions of the province of Barcelona. The main objective of the project is to examine whether global environmental changes are affecting the structure and the aquatic invertebrate communities of these ecosystems.

計畫名稱 CARIMED (Effects of the Environmental Change in the communities of organisms of the Mediterranean rivers)
經費來源 Diputació de Barcelona
研究區域描述 Rivers and streams of the province of Barcelona (SPAIN).
研究設計描述 GUADALMED (PRECE) Protocol


Pau Fortuño Estrada
  • 作者



研究範圍 Rivers and streams of the Province of Barcelona (Spain).


  1. GUADALMED (PRECE) protocol.


替代的識別碼 doi:10.15470/yt2uex