Aspurz-Garde (W Pyrenees) Permanent Plots

最新バージョン Public University of Navarre Herbarium Service, Dept. of Sciences, Public University of Navarre により出版 7月 12, 2023 Public University of Navarre Herbarium Service, Dept. of Sciences, Public University of Navarre

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In 1999 the Forest Service of the Government of Navarre set up two experimental sites in Western Pyrenees (Navarra, NE Spain) to study the effect of different thinning intensities over Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands in nine plots (30 x 40 m) per site. From 2000 to 2019 were recorded the species occurrences of vascular plants and bryophytes, and their cover measured in percentage, in ten 2 x 2 m quadrats per plot in both sites. The species checklist of each site is provided, based in the first recorded occurrence, with the geographical coordinates referred to the centroid of each site.

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Imbert Rodríguez J B, Blanco Vaca J A, Peralta de Andrés J (2023). Aspurz-Garde (W Pyrenees) Permanent Plots. Version 2.0. Public University of Navarre Herbarium Service, Dept. of Sciences, Public University of Navarre. Occurrence dataset.



パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は Public University of Navarre Herbarium Service, Dept. of Sciences, Public University of Navarre。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


このリソースをはGBIF と登録されており GBIF UUID: 06aca272-c126-4c32-864f-1a8abd2d7509が割り当てられています。   GBIF Spain によって承認されたデータ パブリッシャーとして GBIF に登録されているPublic University of Navarre Herbarium Service, Dept. of Sciences, Public University of Navarre が、このリソースをパブリッシュしました。


Occurrence; Observation


J. Bosco Imbert Rodríguez
  • データ提供者
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • 連絡先
Public University of Navarre
Campus de Arrosadía
31016 Pamplona
+34 948 169 825
Juan A. Blanco Vaca
  • データ提供者
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • 連絡先
Public Universtity of Navarre
Campus Arrosadia
31006 Pamplona
Javier Peralta de Andrés
  • データ提供者
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • 連絡先
Public University of Navarra
Campus Arrosadia
31006 Pamplona
+34 948 169 825


Recorded species in two sites of Western Pyrenees. Aspurz (42.709798,-1.147014) and Garde (42.807810, -0.880249).

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-90, -180], 北 東 [90, 180]


開始日 / 終了日 2000-06-01 / 2019-07-30


The effects of thinning practices on the understory of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests were studied in two sites of W Pyrenees (Navarre, NE Spain).

タイトル Effects of thininnig practices on the understory of Scots pine forests in Western Pyrenees (Navarra, NE Spain)
ファンデイング Ministry of Science and Innovation, Public University of Navarre, Fundación Caja Navarra
Study Area Description Both sites are located in Western Pyrenees (Navarre, NE Spain). Vegetation consisted in Scot pine (Pinus sylvestris) dominated forests mixed with broad-leaved trees. The first site is Aspurz (municipality of Navascués), in a north facing oriented foothill (625 m a.s.l.), with a sub-Mediterranean climate transitional between temperate and Mediterranean, with a mild water deficit during summer; mean annual precipitation is 937 mm and mean annual temperature 12.0ºC. Forest landscape is composed by extensive secondary pine woodlands, patches of Fagus sylvatica located in norward solpes with favored water balance, Quercus rotundifolia woodlands in the driest biotopes and Quercus pubescens woodlands elsewhere. The second site is Krutxaga (municipality of Garde) in a north-west facing oriented slope (1335 m a.s.l.), with a temperate and continental climate without water deficit during summer; mean annual precipitation is 1346 mm and mean annual temperature 9.4ºC. Forest landscape is composed by extensive primary and secondary pine woodlands and patches of Fagus sylvatica.
研究の意図、目的、背景など(デザイン) There were three types of plots (30 x 40m) in both sites, with three replicates of each: reference plots without thinning and thinned plots, with two levels of intensity. Within each plot there were 10 permanent quadrats (2 x 2 m) along two parallel transects (5 quadrats per transect).


J. Bosco Imbert Rodríguez
  • データ提供者
  • 研究代表者
Juan A. Blanco Vaca
  • データ提供者
  • 研究代表者
Javier Peralta de Andrés
  • データ提供者
  • キュレーター


The occurence and cover of plant species was recorded in 10 permanent quadrats (2 x 2 m) per plot along two parallel transects (5 quadrats per transect) every summer from 2000 to 2019.

Study Extent The sites are located in Western Pyrenees (Navarre, NE Spain) and vegetation consists in Scot pine (Pinus sylvestris) dominated forests mixed with broad-leaved trees. The first site is Aspurz (municipality of Navascués), in a north facing oriented foothill (625 m a.s.l.), with a sub-Mediterranean climate transitional between temperate and Mediterranean, with a mild water deficit during summer; mean annual precipitation is 937 mm and mean annual temperature 12.0ºC. Forest landscape is composed by extensive secondary pine woodlands, patches of Fagus sylvatica located in norward solpes with favored water balance, Quercus rotundifolia woodlands in the driest biotopes and Quercus pubescens woodlands elsewhere. The second site is Krutxaga (municipality of Garde) in a north-west facing oriented slope (1335 m a.s.l.), with a temperate and continental climate without water deficit during summer; mean annual precipitation is 1346 mm and mean annual temperature 9.4ºC. Forest landscape is composed by extensive primary and secondary pine woodlands and patches of Fagus sylvatica.

Method step description:

  1. Within each quadrat all vascular plants and some of the commonest bryophytes were identified and their horizontal cover was estimated in percentage. The bryophytes less common were recorded as a group.


代替識別子 10.15470/o2qraq